Friday, March 20, 2009

Wet boots

Preamble: Wet BOOTS, not boobs. Do you still wanna continue reading? :P

Whilst on myVERY IMPORTANT morning routine of Face-booking, I saw Gooly making a few trips to the loo, armed with a water gun.

In, out, in, out .. chikchak gum juen.

Considering that we don't live in a mansion, I could nonchalantly turn my head around towards the balcony and see what he was up to.

Hoho.. I reckon he wanted to rear some fishes in his boots.

Should I stop him? (Woi! Siaukia! Lu joe hamik??). But looking at his gleeful smiles, I just let him be-lah. Afterall, he was neither watching Tv, nor asking/begging/pestering for his Transformers suites. So I returned his smile, and went back to my screen.

Sensing no objection from me, he cleverly equated that to 'approval'. Hence he proceeded to fill up his left boot straight from the tap, and carried it to the same venue. First, it was only one side of the boots. Still sensing the 'traffic light is green', he later became bolder, took two at the same time. Ah.. at least he was now building some muscles through this activity. For those uninitiated, when he is carrying the water-filled boots, he is also practicing on his gross motor skill, and when he pours it from one side to the other side, he enhances his fine motor skill (Montessori method, learn thru play aaah.. know or not? :P)

When he was satisfied with the flood he caused at the balcony, he declared 'kaotim' by parking his boots upside down.


Mahmee said, "Elloh, sir..come back..take this and clean up!" and shoved a mop to his face. Kakakakak!

No pic cos he was naked by then.. basah kuyup gitu...

Sigh! Another atypical day at the house of loons.

P.s: Every kid should own one of these PCK boots. So 'kawaii'.


tasy said...

ok, we saw the boots, we want the boobs NOW!

goolypop said...

ok, we heard boobs, we want FOOD now!


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