Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do you exercise?

It's almost 9am. In the past two hours, I have:
a. served breakfast
b. done the laundry
c. had a brisk walk for 25 mins
e. had an apple
f. done some house chores
g. taken a bath

..with a few minutes to spare to 'fatt ngau tau.'

I have heard in some cities, people get stuck in traffic every single freaking day for 1 - 2 hours. 3, on some very 'kns' days. Look at my list for what we can accomplish in 2 hours, again.

It's frustratingly absurd to have that kinda of lifestyle - no time to exercise, no time to eat properly, no time for loved ones. Instead, they get stuck in the car listening to Taj My Baldi repeatedly on the radio (eh, btw, now hing what song?), or worse, korek hidung.

My Utopia will be a work place with a gym and a childcare service downstairs.

*use loud speaker and holler* Bosses and CEOs, do you care for your employees' general well-being?

I guess not because like Utopia, caring bosses don't exist.

I am not a health freak. The thing is my ahbu is not exactly the pink of health. It pains us to watch her in pain.

I am a wife, a daughter and a mother. The least I can do to love my family is to love and take care of myself.

Sure, some people drop dead even when they exercise regularly, eat healthily, don't smoke, don't drink, don't whore. People die all the time, and when I do, at least I can say I didn't make it happen.

When younger, doing the elementary stuff like eating fruits and drinking water were so taken granted for. Now it's a responsibility.

How do you take care of yourself? I don't mean pampering stuff like doing a manicure, having facials or massages. Neither do I mean a Brazilian wax. I mean like.. the most dreaded thing for most of us - exercise? And eating an apple a day? Banana? Oranges? Durians

I know more than half of my friends and family don't.



Healthy Sinkar said...

i exercise and eat fruits everyday!

1) drive to work(legs and hands)
2) carry notebook to meeting room (biceps)
3) jog to the cafe nearby becos raining (cardio)
4) bend down plug in hp charger (abs)
5) push open the toilet door (chest)
6) nick a slice of orange from colleague (fruits intake)

goolypop said...

Healthy like a nut sinkar,

what about:

1)typing (finger gymnastic)
2)psp (finger wrestling)
3)pangsai at old-system toilets (squats)
4)yawn (stretching)
5)look left right b4 crossing roads (neck warm up)
6) durian ice cream (fruit intake)

coffeesncookies said...

I 'pamper' myself first, if there's time left, then I take care of myself.. exercising, giving myself face scrubs, facials.. which is very very rare... boo hoo hoo....

tasy said...

you are so right! since we on this topic, let's get down to some exercise now.. everyone..

stand up straight, roll down your shoulderblades, put your chest high up, tuck your tailbone in, rolls your thighs out, stretch all your 10 toes and lift your right leg up straight till it touches your forehead without bending.

(see who's wearing henno kittee pants sin... goolymama?? you??)

rainbow angeles said...

Guilty... guilty... of non-sexercise in the first degree...

abuthen, sinkar's health plan look like followable geh...

goolymama said...

c & c, so busy huh... Aiseh..then got time got coffee and cookies mou?

gooly guru said...

gargles, according to kamasutra..that pose is called yatjima siong tin..

so hard, i dun wan to learn. Harumph!

gooly soldier said...

angeles, now, Drop DOWN.. gimme ten push ups! Hap tu tree for..hap tu tree for..

Big Pumpkin said...

Impressive! Well done. I have good days and bad days. Most days, are non-exercise days, hahahaha.....


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