Thursday, June 19, 2008


We have been playing with the dusty PS2 these days. Lots of wrestling and nascar actions. Gooly watches while Mahmee flips, speeds and kicks Papah's ass. Heheh! So everday day, his form of greeting as soon as Papah steps into the house is, "Come on, Papah, let's play games." He prefers the WWF and Ultraman but Mahmee gets sore thumb from turning the knob to give the ultra scissor-leg kick.

Hence, we'll play Nascar before the sore thumb experiences permanent paralysis. Just like any kind of racing game, it begins with a countdown of 3, 2, 1, GO! Gooly shouts along to jest up the already havoc situation.

Then he exclaimed, "The 'i' is upside down, Mahmee." Ah.. the exclamation mark, he has discovered. So I told him in slo mo, "Eks-ka-may-syen mark". "Eshehmeshen?" he tried. And when he says it real fast, his mouth is darn cute, because the lips get twisted and balled up in an adorable pout. So I dont bother correcting him. :)

"3, 2, 1, Go, eshehmashen mark!"


tasy said...

Nice header! Your honeys ah?

But a bit x-rated (slightly, maybe 0.01%). Don't do that again, make another one with 99% x-rated header, can?

goolypop said...

Can.. no problem. Faster send ur xx to me. I can photoshop, dun worry :P

tasy said...

Mine? got one.. somewhere on the internet alrdy.. you dunno meh?

goolypop said...

OMG, am i talking to paris or pamela here?
Come on laa.. i wan exclusive one. *turn on hamsap music, i mean shexy music*

Anonymous said...

Woi girls..this is internet..OK? Enuff about xxx! What lah! Shld comment something like, "Wow, goolypop, PS2, now that is something which I haven't think of to buy so that I can play with my kids. BTW, I like your header, very sexy and a little bit XXX." Like that mah!


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