Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Superhuman Mom

A couple weeks ago, Gooly was down with a fever. That night, I was armed with a wet cloth to cool down the temperature. He said groggily, "Thanks, Mama for wiping me." That was really sweet, and I noticed strangely that he calls me Mama when he feels down and needs to be manja-ed and sayang-ed. Papah James being his usual kancheong self suggested that we might need to bring him to the doctor's if he didn't get better any soon.

"It's ok, Papah. No need. Mama is my doctor." Wuiyoooh! I remember thinking, "This mahmee got no lesen one.."

But it's a norm, aint it? That mothers know best (fathers also-lah!) and mothers can do everything to fix anything! I used to think that, and at present still believe in that at times. Say, if there's something I don't know pertaining to nothing scientific, I'd ask my ahbu.

Today while in the taxi, I was explaining about some safety measures for passengers, i.e. always fasten the seat belts

Gooly: What will happen if we don't?
Me: When there is an accident, we will get flung out, if we did not have the seat belt fasten.
Gooly: And then who will come rescue us?
Me: The paramedics, I suppose.
Gooly: You must come rescue me.

On another occasion, we spoke about holding hands to prevent him from being kidnapped.

Gooly: Who will rescue me from the bad people?
Me: The police.
Gooly: You must come rescue me.

Sometimes I don't get what he means. "Who will rescue me?", he asked. Not "Will I be rescued?" or some other easier questions like, "What is 2 + 1?" When the flow of conversation is not what I expected, I'd usually go silent. I want to understand my boy. And therefore, I think. I think, I think, I think.. and therefore this is what I think:

He trusts that he will be rescued, and has such faiths that Mahmee will 'kaotim' everything, even mega catastrophes such as a kidnap or an accident, where he is wounded. Maybe his definition of 'rescue' is somewhat more complicating. Mahmee must rescue means Mahmee must be there, to comfort and to sayang when he is in trouble?

And so after 10 seconds of silence, I reassured him that Mahmee will rescue him from all mishaps. Doncha worry, son! Mama is SUPER WOMAN!

I need to sew a costume. I think body-hugging catsuit suits me. Gargies, pinjam mesin jahit! :P


tasy said...

No need to jahit-lah. I just made myself a brand new in season superwoman suit, therefore, I hand you down my berlubang funny smelled 2nd hand used suit to you. Nah! No need to thank me.

The Seasonal One said...

Mummies are such a symbol of comfort... and we try to Super Woman too.

rainbow angeles said...


shi sang zhe yeo mama haooooo...

Anonymous said...

gargies, errr.. skali pakai urs, I become incredible wo-man, how? Koyak rabak wor..Esp. the bust area.. :P

Anonymous said...

EW- yalor.. so hard to live up the standard.. one day doctor, another paramedics.. sometimes have to be 'lawyer' some more! :D (But I know u more super than me lerrr)

Anonymous said...


Cheong K ah? Gum yau hingji geh?

*Rebut mike* Mamamia! Here we go again!


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