Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mind over matters

I was out with a friend, a newly wed the other day, and the topic of motherhood inevitably sneaked into our conversation. It wasn't quite banal, as you may presumed cos she is an animated girl. She actually enacted a scene in which she will shut her 'twins' up.


The last I checked, she was still svelte. There was no indication that she has recently went for an ultrasound.

So, she thinks she will have twins on the pretext that her family or her hub's has a history of bearing zygotic genes?

Well, not really.

She just thinks she will have twins because she wants to have them. It's another case of, "you think you can, you can!"

How eccentric...

To tell the truth, she has on many occasions said she wanted something..and she got them. Just by repeating the mantra of, "I will get it!"

Mind you, we are not talking about wanting an ice cream or sushi (which btw is what I want NOW!!).

She wanted to be married to a white, she got a French.

Her dream car was a Chevrolet model, and she is driving mine now. (Long story!)

So I wont be surprised if she had Mary Kate and Ashley the next time I see her.

Think about it. Have you envisioned your future, and then gotten a deja vu moment once in a while?

I'm gonna check my list here:

a. I wanted to be a stay home, slightly rotten mom. Checked!

b. I wanted to stay in another country. Checked! (though could be further!)

c. I always thought Papah is the truck driving kind. Checked! I should really thought of a fancier car.

d.I thought I was gonna be a mom to a sweetie gal. Strike out.

e. I wanted to stay in a cooler place. *pish pish pish pish...it's so hawt here!*

Oh well, I am gonna think harder and super power the last one to come true.

Sigh... if life can be so easy

Uh-ah...life can be easy! Just think it's easy!

Go! Go ! Go!


tasy said...

Ahh.. I know. She watched or read "the Secret"..

(not that SM porn vid you bought at the pasat malam SS2 last week laa..)


Raynebow said...

I wanna change to Jessica Alba lookalike! *pejam mata kuat-kuat!*

Anonymous said...

I...errr (WE) want to stay near a beautiful beach.

goolyreader said...

GG, the Secret...oh...about triad member one..

i c.. i c...

goolyteach said...


Nah... you do wrong method jor. YOu better check if got any other JEssica Alba in the world not. Skali got one from Afrika....hahahahah...

goolywantbeach2 said...


r u my hub?

i like what u want.

r u my hub?


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