Thursday, May 8, 2008

Social Progress Report

We have been staying in Bangkok for more than 2 years now. I wonder if I have failed to mention that Gooly doesn't speak much Thai. Neither do I. We stuck out like sore thumb at the park. Being a sensitive child, Gooly knew he is somewhat different, linguistically challenged, even when he was a toddler.

I was informed that kids learn fast, and that before I knew it, he will be tutoring me on the language. I am still waiting for the day to come.

And so, he would cling on to me like my second shadow when he was younger. Now that he is older, he does venture further, becoming less self-conscious but often he would get frustrated when he doesn't understand or is being misunderstood. He is very verbal and opinionated, but only in English. Imagine his frustrations if he had to resort to sign language to express his thoughts and instructions (yes, my boy is a bossy one).

But today we made progress. A boy named Fook befriended us. In smattering Thai, I answered the best I could, about the food I like and Gooly's age. He was very friendly. The thing I notice about most local kids is that they are well-mannered and have the ability to take care of the younger ones. He made sure that Gooly didn't fall off his bike. He shaded him from the sun, picked him up when he fell. Though their dialogue consisted of only one word, NO (don't climb too high, don't go barefooted and other don'ts) I am just happy that my boy has a friend.

I was ecstatic when the two walked off with their arms around each other. I suppose the day when Gooly does become my Thai language teacher is just around the corner.

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