Thursday, August 21, 2008

9 doesn't answer 8

"When it's your birthday, I'll buy you roses. " Mahmee grins.

"When it's Christmas, I'll take a taxi myself to Lotak and get you a surprise. It's going to be a ball, ok?" Mahmee practices surprised look in front of mirror.

"When I am 4 years old, I'll buy you a car." Mahmee smiles.

"It's pink and yellow. You will like it." Mahmee hides disappointment.


Nice meh??

"You will have to wear a helmet cos the car can zoom berry fast." Mahmee dreads the day.

"And then you go to space and find my friend, the alien with three hands." Mahmee scratches head.

"You bend down and shake his hand. It's polite to say hello." Mahmee smiles again.

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