Friday, October 23, 2009

Evening conversations

Whilst the kids play, we chat, gossip, exchange news, joke, insult each other - Ada's mom and I.

Sometimes we sit on the slide. Other times on benches near to the pond. My favourite is on the deck, overlooking the swimming pool where there is a patch of grass for the kids to jump or goof around.

Our conversations cover an array of topics - from boring stuff like the humid weather to useful information on MIL-proofing the house. But mostly we talk about the kids.

"Does Gooly eat whatever that's being served?"

"Does Ada still cry when she doesn't get things her way?"

"Does Gooly turn on the Tv the moment he comes back from school?"

"Does Ada brush her own teeth?"

We are truthful and frank with our answers. By that, we don't mean to compare our kids like some crap people do. We just wanted to know.

Today at the deck, we were seated on wooden chairs, al -fresco - looking at the kids running at top speed to a halt at the edge of the pool, when she suddenly asked, "Do you think we see other kids' advantages more when we are not the parents?"

"You mean like you see a lot of good things in Gooly?" I seek clarifications, without feeling shameful.

"Ya!" she also answered un-bashfully.

That's a nice compliment. It doesn't mean she was making a comparison and concluded that her daughter is not good enough or as good as Gooly. She simply sees Gooly's good points and acknowledges it.

Most of the time, when talking about kids, parents brag about how well their own kids are doing. And when it's your turn to tell them your kids' achievements or talents, they respond with "uha" "ah" "mm" or any other mono-syllabic audibles which can only mean one thing - they don't care because their kids are still the best-est in the whole wide animal kingdom world.

.....which is not wrong. But it's just over-the-top and plain rude.

So when Ada's mom said what she said just now, I was immensely pleased. Now that's what I call a non-plasticky conversation, which btw lasted till the sun set and mozzies were buzzing in our ears.


Reanaclaire said...

yes, agreed with u..some parents really brag about their kids and not lending a good ear to listen to other parents' kids... but there are some parents who dont like to talk about their own kids... the other way round...
whatever way, it should be a 2 way traffic... then only song, right?

Big Pumpkin said...

Love those kinds....let's just be honest and be ourselves.

Winn said...

xmas coming issit.....

tuti said...

some people are like that also, talking about themselves. :P

goolypop said...

claire, ya.. got beer and ngan nyin fasang lagi song..

goolypop said...

BP, but sad to say, not many around!

goolypop said...

winn, xmas yau tim?... I also not Fanta Claws.. Not fujak pressie geh wor..

goolypop said...

tuti.. wuah..that one lagi hard to tahan. Err.. my milkshake is better than yours.. i can teach you but I gotta charge ah?

tasy said...

Ha! I know exactly who you are talking about here! very good!

who else lah? said...

Gargles, ji ma hai nei lorrrrr!


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