Wednesday, July 7, 2010


"Mmmm... Yes. I love to hear you say it. Say it one more time.. Yes..Yes..Yes.."

Sounds like a scene from a 'pawn' but really it isn't. You know how the sexperts say we ladies should not be ashamed to tell our partners what we like when we are sexercising? Why can't we do the same thing for other stuff besides shex? I mean like if we want them to say we are pretty/beautiful, we should just copy and paste the idea of the above clause . In other words, why can't we just be SHAMELESS!

Hence the conversation* with papah yesterday:

Me: Do you think I look different?

Him: Huh? Huuuuh?

Me: *roll eyes* My hair! Look!

Him: Huh? *blink blink*

Me: It's longer now! Say it - "You look nice."

Him: You look nice.

Me: Explain why.

Him: *grinning* Cos it's straight.

Me: *whack him with pillow* It was never curly! What other nice things you can say?

Him: That day you look nice. At the airport.

Me: You noticed my eye make up? (obviously knows that he didn't but helping him out here a lil)

Him: Err... yeah.

Me: Ok, you may go now.

And he gave me a peck on the forehead.

If this is not love, I don't know what is.

Disclaimer: This is a bribed post because I got my Delightful already!!!!! Ok, him buying that when he seriously thinks I don't need so many bags is ULTIMATE love! :-)

* Please do not carry such conversations on the phone when he is having an important client meeting or when he is watching football. The ending will not be as nice.


Profesor Cinta said...

Way to go Gooly Papa. You r so man. And goolymama, u shud jump into him and give him a big big hug, then a long kiss to show that u really miss him and then he will give u a reluctant gesture to show how much he miss u and then u will see him in 2 weeks time. Hows that?

goolyma said...

Prof. Cinta,

In public? oooh.. i love attention!

Mamapumpkin said...

Frivolous spending again?! Tsk-tsk. Show la what u got so we can be green with envy & then decide if we need to take some action over here :-p

tasy said...

dun like that... must tell him to teach mine how to spend frivolously on me too mah..tsk!


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