Click *turns on TV*
D: Today we hap a zesty boy 'ere at the studio. Good morning, Gooly.. Au are you today?
G: I'mmmmmm super duper fine! Gooood morning to you! *wink* Helloh, ahmah! *wave wave*
D: Do you always wake up early? Are you always the first?
G: Yippity yup! The early birds get the worms. *wink* Why waste the morning away sleeping? I ask my mama that a lot. She doesn't have the answer. So she continues sleeping. *sigh*
D: Why do you wake so early? Is there something important to do?
G: Are you kidding me? You don't wake because there is something to do. You wake because sleep is boring! *roll eyes*
D: Tell me, are you always bursting with yenergy? Do you yewer get tired?
G: I don't know about 'bursting', but why do adults yawn so much?
D: Good question. *yawn* Do you yewer wake up feeling moody?
G: Moody? Is that Prof. Moody from Harry Potter?
D: Uhm.. never mind. Are you always happy, even in the morning?
G: I don't know the opposite of happy.. so does that mean my answer is YES?
D: Can you teach us to be like you? Yernergetic, optimistic and happy in the morning?
G: Easy.. One, don't sleep so much. Two, don't think you need THAT much sleep. Three, cute under wears.
D: Do your parents play a role in shaping your positive outlook of life?
G: No comment.
D: Thank you for your time and viewers (readers), FYI, cute under wears can be bought at pasar malam.
(crocodile brand underwear flashes on screen)
G: Is this the part I take off my pants?
*transmission ends*
Schizophrenic Psychopath strikes again. Of course everything is imaginary. But seriously, he is always irritatingly happy and chirpy and wakeful. Dimgai?
so what happened to the comments box? make sure you give a full length detail report on how and why it happened and how you fixed that.
(forgot what the post about lorr.... now the hot topic is on gooly schooling ah, you see, we are updated one)
the comment box.. kwa jor loe chan.
(today gooly ng ji sik meh for lunch leh, hoh?)
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